15 July 2011

Gathering: unwritten report...

& good day,

18 June 2011, was the date when it happen. (errrk...happened? happens?)
ex-UiTM Segamat, batch 2000 - 2003 gathering.

Attended by ... total of 17 adults with some children (ahaha...i know,
no 's'. children already plural).

So, we did enjoy our stay, plus Padli, Nani and son (mcm nama syarikat
lak) whose staying at Cozzy Hotel, also joining the event. On behalf of
committee, we apologize for unable to provide accomodation. This
reminds me of the sponsor: Ijan & Wife, great thanks for the
cakes. yum2... and An & Wife for the Beng Beng chocolate bar,
from Bandung with love. ahahaha...halal kan.

Lets the pics tell the stories... (pics from my camera):




kuda peserta
Till next time...

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