27 June 2011

Jump Break

Salam & good day,

Quick tips for posting blogpost.
The heck Jump Break is? When posting a blogpost, note its icon .
Now, what the use? How to use? What the effect?

I noticed our previous Bandoeng post, full of images, suuuuper long post had resulted the post display when opening this website, only viewing 1 post only, despite the setting forcing to view 3 post for home address. Thinking...thinking, i guess the reason must be because of the loooong post. So, i edited the post, to insert the 'Jump Break'. Resulting in the post to be broken into parts, 1 part preview, and the rest (all THAT post) after clicking the 'Read More'. Now, the blog showing the 3 previous postings.

Okay...done that. Now, any update on the Gathering? post mortem? hello?...... ~silence~


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