24 July 2009

Cuti-Cuti Malaysia (v.3)

Salam, L, ALphonSe (see, capital A,L and S. fathom?)

"well good morning, good evening, good afternoon; wherever you are, what ever you do. a lot of things happening in the world today, most of 'em far beyond our control, you might say..." what? my English getting better? Nooooo, that just a line from a song titled "Evening News" by Lo. local Malaysian artist if i'm not mistaken. So people, this post will be presented in English because.... urm... global warming? is it? okay, because I have to improve myself, you know, PPSMI will cease in 2012... not that I directly involved, but... well, whatever. Lets start.

This post created with objective to... because other writer semms like in hiatus mode, similar to most of tv series, Lost, House M.D. (personal fav.! every episode are knowledge), Heroes,... and also Gantz manga (will be continued 3 month later). Back to the topic, early in July 2009 (this month if you read this in July 2009), our writer, the engineer, came to Klang Valley for some unfinished business (and NEW business i might add. ohohoho). 1 day, hang out with me, with his evil plan...daa, i mean the plan. THE PLAN- 'coti-coti malaysia'.

Recall back what happened for the past 2 years, May 2007, a camping trip at Sungai Congkak, Ulu Selangor, near Ampang. Participants: Pujangga (mastermind), Poochow (Kitty), L (typical human), PZ (Sleeping forest...AirGear), Batou (Pazu, Boma,... Ghost In The Shell anime), and MartBarn (what the...). Note that, PZ only joined in bright daylight because she's a werewolf...nop. because she is SHE. its camping dude! Batou and MartBarn only joined when the event end. So irony. hahaha. Basically, there's only us 3 there, with Atos car, a guitar (my housemate's), a tent, a video recorder, some rations, and a rainy night of our camping. Huhuhu. http://pujanggamalam.blogspot.com/2007/06/antara-kenduri-dan-camping.html

Then in 2008, don't remember which month. owh my, i don't even have a pic of the event?! Hm, i thought i've edited a video about Poochow acting on theory 'kalau tiada angin, masakan pokok bergoyang' (sure ring the bell eh, chow, an). Again just the trio, this time Myvi in action, off to Perak. Went to Ipoh, kg. pasir putih, Lost World of Tambun, Kelly's Castle, and Menara Jam Condong, Slim River. Sweet lovely days. http://pujanggamalam.blogspot.com/2008_02_01_archive.html

Actually early this year, Pujangga planned a sponsored (by him) trip to Putau Tioman, ding dong... eventually no time la, hape la, it just not happening. Hehehe. and there's unofficial roadtrip, just this couple (An & Chow) up to Trengganu, my wedding, and off back home. Again, back to the topic, there's a plan, the mainframe plan (so far, we just got the month, November 2009). 3 weeks ago, if not mistaken, sharing the info to Chow, he's said he'd proceed with other options, opinions by circulating e-mails; but 'till todate, nope. No e-mail. Too buzy i guess embracing a new girl, a must mission). Here's the initial layout:

- location: Cameron Highland or Port Dickson (both place offer minimum commitment).
- date: somewhere in November to December 2009.
- participants: a very ambitious 20 persons minimum. couple/family (strictly husband and wife; not COUPLE. this includes GAY & LESB couple) may join, the room will be arrange later (whether 1 couple 1 room, OR 1 side male, 1 side female. However, separating husband & wife awal2 my wife reject. ehehehe).
- barbeque. fully paid, of we operate ourselves, still, depend.
- to support point 2, lucky draw can be arranged.

Basically, those are still the plan. for booking, accomodation booking, I can arrange by September or October. So, whether this happening or not, depend on support. So... move your shovel!!!!

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