26 July 2009

Comes & Go's

Quite interesting, I say when I read previous posting in this blog when the writer using English in his writing. Not bad, my bro. Keep it up. Not that I say that Bahasa Malaysia is not cool but in this competiting world, English is a must! I think..

Well, when back to the topics. Yup! July 2009 is leaving us very soon and to tell you the truth, I LOVE it!! As you may know that my wish for this year is to take Sambal FC, my beloved futsal team, to as many tournaments as it can. I would like to thanks Pujangga as his supports and ideas given to the team is remarkable. Well, sometimes is hard to accept but it is true in what you say and I take it very seriously as I want to bring the team in higher level in the future. Becaus of you, now I am in dilemma whether to play for Bank Islam or CIMB now! Hahaha.. For Sambal FC, my contract is forever!!

Been quite busy lately with my jobs. As my post now is getting more important role in my organisation. I'm becoming a leader in Litigation matters for Southern Region. As every month I must come to KL for a meeting. Sorry guys!

August will come whether we are ready or not!! Yup give something that interesting, I say!

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