30 May 2004

The Browser (do you know who is Bowser?)

Assalamualaikum... This another posting in English, and again, not about our friends; because I got no story from you all. (susah betul! aku nk tulis proper english; so xleh ler i, u, coz, y'all, fren... sabo aje le..).

As the title above... I guess most of you using Internet Explorer (IE) as browser. of course, this because it's free and already in your PC to be used. And most websites very compliant with this browser... like thisTOKO (of course, I build the site using MS Frontpage). But... does it gives best performance? if Yes, why do other type of browsers is exist? the answer is... IE is was not the best browser (at least for me!). Other well-known browsers such as Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firebird, Neoplanet, Slimbrowser, and my favorite... Opera! Each of all the browsers has its own specialty (sure does!). but here, I would like to share... why I say Opera is the best browser. I've tried all those browsers before. firstly... of course IE & Netscape. Then a friend (forumner) adviced me to use Slimbrowser (you may download it from flashpeak.com. only 1.337Mb & free!). Very good browser as well, many function, plus Malay language! I also downloaded Mozilla (relative to Netscape). not much function... very basic, but people say it fast. But I don't see the different. Neoplanet... look modern, stylish. But too heavy... don't really like it anyway. Finally, I installed Opera and until now I still use it. These are the reason...

1st: I want to say it fast. but we all know, the speed really depend on the connection. So, my first reason would be because Opera have detailed status. When you use IE, after typing url & 'Enter', the status only show "Opening Page..." . This so boring. You don't even know if the server not responding. Using Opera, firstly, the status will show "Looking up host", then "Connecting...", "Sending Request", "Receiving Data", etc. If after about 10second still "Looking up..." I will do other thing, rather than just wait.

2nd:Multiwindows. You can open many websites with Opera, without having many opened program on the task bar. IE, when you opened many windows, and the task bar cannot be fit, it will be grouped to one (default for XP, unless you set not to). It make it very difficult to review back all the pages. Hey, you wasting your click there. This function (multiwindows) is also available in Slimbrowser &Mozilla Firebird. And... what do you know about "back" button? IEwill re-open the previous page & refresh it. But Opera can "back" immediately because it still keep the previous page, & not refresh it. Good huh? If you like to refresh, then simply click "Reload".

2nd:Sound. For me, this very important. While loading a web page, or downloading some file, I usually play solitaire. So, when the page loaded completely, it'll play my sound I've set in the first place. Right now I've set sound from Broodwar games. When page loaded completely, Opera will 'say' "is there any problem?". when download complete "gimme somebody shoe". hahaha. (I'm thinking to put Worm sound. "Incoming!". "Stuuuupid". hehee)

3rd:Cache. For very fast surfing, I'm not load the picture in the web page. For example, inTOKO, Opera will not show all the 3 pics in default. But if I want to, just simply click the "camera" button, so it will load all picture available. When the pics is loaded, it'll be cached, means next time when I open TOKO,Opera will show the pics, because it already cached. understand?

4th:E-Mail& other functions: This not relate to Hotmail, Yahoo, or other web based e-mail.Opera managed e-mail better than Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook. It differentiate between types of mail (spam, trash, members), which have attachment, active contacts, and label (funny, valuable, Important, to do, etc.). I just clickHairil Azlan to see all mail he sent to me, and those mail I've replied to him. Up to date, he sent to me 2 mail with attachment (pics), 5 labeled Valuable and 2 labeled Funny. Other functions available such as are Contact (like your phone book), History (similar to History in IE) and Notes (very useful. When surfing, any test you like to keep, just highlight, right click, Copy to Note.).

Drawback: some WebPages may not be displayed properly... or what it should be. And a little bit 'heavy' initial opening the program. It takes about 10 second using my Pentium4, 2.4Mhz; 256mb RAM. Fast mean, in a wink. hehehe.

So, all that are my two cents opinion. I'm telling you, you should try it.            till then, sincerely yours; abdullatif

p/s: Bowser ialah watak jahat dlm citer Mario (& Luigi). ala, kura2 buaya, cengkerang tajam tue...

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