30 May 2004

The Browser (do you know who is Bowser?)

Assalamualaikum... This another posting in English, and again, not about our friends; because I got no story from you all. (susah betul! aku nk tulis proper english; so xleh ler i, u, coz, y'all, fren... sabo aje le..).

As the title above... I guess most of you using Internet Explorer (IE) as browser. of course, this because it's free and already in your PC to be used. And most websites very compliant with this browser... like thisTOKO (of course, I build the site using MS Frontpage). But... does it gives best performance? if Yes, why do other type of browsers is exist? the answer is... IE is was not the best browser (at least for me!). Other well-known browsers such as Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firebird, Neoplanet, Slimbrowser, and my favorite... Opera! Each of all the browsers has its own specialty (sure does!). but here, I would like to share... why I say Opera is the best browser. I've tried all those browsers before. firstly... of course IE & Netscape. Then a friend (forumner) adviced me to use Slimbrowser (you may download it from flashpeak.com. only 1.337Mb & free!). Very good browser as well, many function, plus Malay language! I also downloaded Mozilla (relative to Netscape). not much function... very basic, but people say it fast. But I don't see the different. Neoplanet... look modern, stylish. But too heavy... don't really like it anyway. Finally, I installed Opera and until now I still use it. These are the reason...

1st: I want to say it fast. but we all know, the speed really depend on the connection. So, my first reason would be because Opera have detailed status. When you use IE, after typing url & 'Enter', the status only show "Opening Page..." . This so boring. You don't even know if the server not responding. Using Opera, firstly, the status will show "Looking up host", then "Connecting...", "Sending Request", "Receiving Data", etc. If after about 10second still "Looking up..." I will do other thing, rather than just wait.

2nd:Multiwindows. You can open many websites with Opera, without having many opened program on the task bar. IE, when you opened many windows, and the task bar cannot be fit, it will be grouped to one (default for XP, unless you set not to). It make it very difficult to review back all the pages. Hey, you wasting your click there. This function (multiwindows) is also available in Slimbrowser &Mozilla Firebird. And... what do you know about "back" button? IEwill re-open the previous page & refresh it. But Opera can "back" immediately because it still keep the previous page, & not refresh it. Good huh? If you like to refresh, then simply click "Reload".

2nd:Sound. For me, this very important. While loading a web page, or downloading some file, I usually play solitaire. So, when the page loaded completely, it'll play my sound I've set in the first place. Right now I've set sound from Broodwar games. When page loaded completely, Opera will 'say' "is there any problem?". when download complete "gimme somebody shoe". hahaha. (I'm thinking to put Worm sound. "Incoming!". "Stuuuupid". hehee)

3rd:Cache. For very fast surfing, I'm not load the picture in the web page. For example, inTOKO, Opera will not show all the 3 pics in default. But if I want to, just simply click the "camera" button, so it will load all picture available. When the pics is loaded, it'll be cached, means next time when I open TOKO,Opera will show the pics, because it already cached. understand?

4th:E-Mail& other functions: This not relate to Hotmail, Yahoo, or other web based e-mail.Opera managed e-mail better than Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook. It differentiate between types of mail (spam, trash, members), which have attachment, active contacts, and label (funny, valuable, Important, to do, etc.). I just clickHairil Azlan to see all mail he sent to me, and those mail I've replied to him. Up to date, he sent to me 2 mail with attachment (pics), 5 labeled Valuable and 2 labeled Funny. Other functions available such as are Contact (like your phone book), History (similar to History in IE) and Notes (very useful. When surfing, any test you like to keep, just highlight, right click, Copy to Note.).

Drawback: some WebPages may not be displayed properly... or what it should be. And a little bit 'heavy' initial opening the program. It takes about 10 second using my Pentium4, 2.4Mhz; 256mb RAM. Fast mean, in a wink. hehehe.

So, all that are my two cents opinion. I'm telling you, you should try it.            till then, sincerely yours; abdullatif

p/s: Bowser ialah watak jahat dlm citer Mario (& Luigi). ala, kura2 buaya, cengkerang tajam tue...

24 May 2004



what you all know about BROADBAND? basically we knew all about the "1mb (megabyte) per second". do you interest on it? well, let share something here. I don't know about TMnet postpaid, or other net provider (such as TIMEnet, JARING), so just comparison between TMnet prepaid and generally broadband (maybe Streamyx).

1st, the data transfer speed rate . using TMnet prepaid, u can gain maximum around 56kbps (kilobyte per second), or double it (112kbps= nearly ISDN speed) if u are using double line. And broadband ... 1mbps... or minimum 300kbps. that pretty large amount (but in UK, 10mbps is normal...). but why? how broadband can transfer such large amount of data comparing with the prepaid/ordinary way.

2nd, broadband usingdifferent type of modem. means u must have the modem if u going to use broadband. it price around RM 200. why not use the existing modem? (I heard broadband can only be used if your phone line is using copper wire, not fiber optic line... better ask specialist)

3rd, broadband can transfer larger amount of data because it moves using frequency higher than the voice frequency; i.e.  TMnet work in human voice frequency...0 - 20 kHz.. DSL (broadband) work over human voice frequency: 25.875 kHz - 1.104 MHz. as a result, that's why we still can receive call while online since frequency voice not disturbed. very good huh?

4th, most important. the cost. maybe we should ignore the initial cost (broadband special modem) first. 1 hour charge for TMnet prepaid is RM 1.50 [(prepaid card: 1hour=60cent) +90cent dialup charge (1.5cent X 60min)]. and broadband charge RM 66 mothly, unlimited access! so, if you use internet 1hour per day, monthly charge would be RM 45 [RM 1.50 X 30days]. hm... better use prepaid.

BUT if you are extreme user of internet, craving for chatting in mIRC or YM (Yahoo Messenger), plus downloading/ Kazaa-ing (>;-[ ), and spend 2hours per day, the cost monthly would be RM 90! [RM 1.50 X 60days]. you are richer than broadband users! maybe you should consider using broadband.

moreover, now we consider the initial modem cost, RM 250 for example. compare both way, if you constantly using the prepaid 2 hours per day; you can cover the cost of broadband modem within 10months 12 days (10.4166667). working: [monthly excess: RM90-RM66=RM24]. [modem cost divide with the mothly excess: RM250÷RM24=10.416667]. [days: 0.416667 X 30days=12.5001]. ...calculate the hour yourself! (0.50001 X 24 hours).

...... so, what your decision? remember, we should not simply only focus on monetary value alone, another important thing is qualitative value. maybe you want to avoid all negative matters on the internet, or want to concentrate on your work/job/study, ... that dark side. on the bright side, you may get more info (hey, UNLIMITED ACCESS!), updated, more friends, downloading anime and share with your buddies, sharing info (like this. hehehe), advices, and so on. you know better.   till then, sincerely yours  abdullatif  p/s: practicing my BEL and writing.

source... forum.cari.com.my

18 May 2004


...(post lagi!). tengok tak Melodi ahad tu? aku bangga tul ngan Waheeda (Wassini), pasal dia punya minat, lebih kurang ngan aku jer. ahaks. paling best bila dia sebut Metallica dulu, sbg artis2 rock yg dia minat, then baru ler Linkin Park, Evanescence (btul ke eja nih?), and Korn.Metallica is my fav! tengok, walaupon Waheeda nih islamik (UIA kan), layan ganaz gaks, sama mcm aku ler. kalau dia muda skit, byk skit harapan jodoh aku ngan dia kot. ahahaha!

actually, Metallica bukannya rock! mrk lebih kpd metal. Linkin Park i guess 1 cabang hip hop. ehehe. camane la dia leh minat Korn. geng Kutu (Hanif, klasmate pt1) la nih. kalau minat Limp Bizkit, ok lagi. jangan Slip Knot, udah ler. ni geng2 Puchi n Koteng jer nih!   apsal korang tak minat Metallica ah? Metallica xde la dera boys cam Jacko. takde kutuk2 org cam Eminem. bkn dope dealer cam 50cent. bkn suicider cam Kurt Cobain (Nirvana). kenapa!!!??? ada org bangga pasal Scorpion buat konsert ngan orkestra. padahal Metallica awal2 dah buat (album S&M).

Metallica byk bantu aku improve BI aku, masa skolah menengah. album diorg,Ride The Lightning, Full Black, Load, Reload, Garage Inc; sume ni aku layan, n pasal aku nk sing along, aku salin lirik lagu2 tu, ngan just listen. so, sure byk salah. byk la aku rujuk kamus.tu masa tkt 3, 4,5.  finally dpt jwpn betu bila amik lirik kat net. lebih  mmbanggakan, bila aku tau, bhs diorg tu, bahasa tinggi; mcm carpe diem, n bahasa klasik cam thee dan thou(you). aku tau thee digunakan dlm karya Shakespeare. peh! aku xde album awal2, mcm Kill 'Em All, ...And Justice For All, n Master Of Puppet. aku ada latest album ie St. Anger yg bg aku, album paling hampeh. aku layan 2 3 kali jer. ceh.

till now, Metallica still my fav. band. kalau ada album baru kuar, musti aku cecepat nk beli, yg ori punya tau! tp aku bkn ler fanatik. ada poster besar pon, aku simpan jer. (sape nak? byr duit post dah ler. poster St. Anger). hehehe, promo Metallica la plak. jangan marah ye Pujangga... eh, pelanggan nk beli pizza tu. cepat gi layan. (aku byk lg nk story pasal Metallica ni. bley ke? 2nd episod)

finally, aku terharu ngan sokongan moral dari Peminat Pujangga (siapakah gerangan ini?). enitaim aku buleh publish gambo2. cuma xde source jer. korang bg ler.send mail to me. kalau bley, bg 1 gmbr, 1 imel.kalau 3 gmbr, 3 imel la. bkn ape, kalau aku load imel lama ngat, tension, aku abort jer.      till then, sincerely yours; abdullatif

17 May 2004

aku lagi (lan)

ermmm.. takder apa nak ckp, nak bg tips jek laa..

Tips ketika anda sedang marah

a) Mula-mula kita perlu malu dengan Allah s.w.t akan segala tindak-tanduk kita. Allah memerhatikan segala perlakuan dan sikap biadab kita.

b) Bila datang rasa hendak marah, ingatlah kita ini hanyalah manusia yang hina.

c) Banyakkan berdiam diri dan berdoa kepada Allah agar Allah selamatkan kita daripada sifat marah.

d) Hendaklah ingat kesan daripada sifat marah itu mungkin akan membawa kepada permusuhan dan pembalasan dendam dari orang yang anda marahi.

e) Cuba bayangkan betapa buruknya rupa kita ketika kita sedang marah.

f) Apabila datang marah, banyakkan baca Ta'awwuz (A'uzubillahi minas Syaitanirrajim) kerana marah itu datangnya daripada syaitan.

g) Apabila marah sedang memuncak, ambil wudhu kerana wudhu dapat menenangkan api kemarahan yang sedang membara.

h) Jikalau tidak boleh hilang marah dengan hal tersebut di atas, hendaklah tidur. Kerana ianya akan meredakan perasaan marah apabila bangkit daripada tidur

i) Tauhid kita perlu tepat. Setiap sesuatu itu datangnya dari Allah dan akan kembali kepada Allah. Kenapa kita perlu marah. Kalau kita bersalah, kita tidak suka orang memarahi kita. Maka begitulah orang lain yang melakukan kesilapan, juga tidak suka dimarahi. Tegurlah dengan lemah lembut dan kasih

Satu cara lagi, apabila datangnya marah, sedangkan anda berdiri, maka duduklah, sekiranya duduk, maka bersandarlah, Insya Allah kemarahan akan mulai reda. Dengan cara demikian, keegoan akan berkurangan. Tetapi apa yang berlaku, apabila naik marah, yang bersandar akan mula menetapkan duduknya dan seterusnya berdiri, maka kemarahan sudah tidak dapat dikawal.


16 May 2004

my turn (lan) to inform something...

ni pasal pendaftaran on line, kepada member2 yg still study, cepat2 laa buat pendaftaran, sbb setiap kampus ada limit dlm setiap kelas, bg mereka yg lambat daftar & klas tu dah penuh, so tak dapat laa amik subjek tu.. terpaksa laa amik sem depan...
so, apa lagi, daftar cepatttttttt...

kepada latip, ko tau tak, hasra marah aku plak, dia ingat aku yg publish gambo dia, buat dia malu jek...

kepada poochow... ko jgn usik hasra tu, kesian dia tau... siap ko kalo ko usik dia lagi...

kepada an, aper citer skarang, kejer ok tak? bleh tak kalo aku nak merasa pizza free? ko marah tak aku jd salah sorg publisher laman web ko nie? hehehhh...

ok laa, till next time...

byk mende aku edit kali nih... rasanya lar. bukan apa, jeles ngan blog
. hehe

dlm sebuah hadis, yg lebih kurang gini maksudnyer; seorg sahabat meminta diri
(nak balik) dari duduk bersama Rasulullah, kerna dirinya dlm keadaan
hadas. lalu Rasulullah berkata "subhanAllah.
umat islam bukan najis!"
. moral... pikir sendri ler. korang lg pakar kan!
sesuai bg sesapa yg biase di pulau/boikot (mcm Reza. hehehe jyoudan)
mempertahankan diri.

biase kita dgr, jadikan amalan harian kita,
sesuatu yg memberikan pahala. tupasal ler, at least kita sentiasa senyum.
senyum itu sedekah. (malang xpdt melangkaui sedekah. paham?). paling senang,
kita pasang niat baik, dlm apa jua yg kita buat. mkn nasik, ada niat, bley dpt
pahala oo. tp, kita biase lupa kan. (manusia=nasia=lupa).
so, apa kata...tiap kali kita mandi, kita niatkan "mandi
kerna ianya tergolong dlm amalan sunat. cubalah. xrugi nyer..              
till then, sincerely yours;


09 May 2004

assalamualaikum.... oleh kerna Lan,
also known as Batu dah bg aku scanned pics, sayugia terpaksa la aku
publishkan gambo2 tu. dia yg mintak. nk harap dia buat sendri, dead sure
tak reti! lgpon, mane dia nk store gambo2 tu. aku ngan An je tau. gambo2
ni aku dah edit bg kecik skit. "fit" org jawa kata. aku load 1 imel tu bukan
main lama! (6 minit). ingat aku pakai broadband ker? "1Mb per seken yu no!"
here are those pics...

masa ETR ... kan! (kalau korg tengok 'source'
pic ni.... hehehe)

kiri; B.Acc Jengka; Bakal B.Acc (ami~n); B.Acc Melaka; org LHDN (lari wei!!!);
org PizzaHut Melaka (mari3x !!!)

sebelum konvo. ada 2org je photographer. mmbr baru, B.Acc Segamat tu (lupa nama
la...), & Budin. korg rasa, sapa amik gmbr nih? hehehe      
till then..... sincerely yours; abdullatif

02 May 2004

apa khabar semua? ;-) hari ini 12 Rabiulawal;
. tanak ckp/tulis byk pasal nih, pasal tak cukup ilmu
;-p cuma... korang tau tak, pd tarikh tersebut, tahun Gajah, dikatakan bersamaan
ngan 20 April (kalau xsilap). besh la sesapa yg besday sama ngan
Rasulullah kan!

ok. adakah anda masih menonton rancangan Dragon Ball?
merujuk pada komik Mutiara Naga, episod hari ini termasuk dlm episod ke
508. bermakna minggu depan adalah episod ke 509, Ahad berikutnya
episod 510; "dan seterusnya, korang tau la kan!", kata Arthur
(Ally Azran, ketika warm up di tapak latihan silat. hehehe). dlm komik,
ia akan habis pada episod 519; bermakna ada lebih kurang 11 episod lagi;
atau 5 minggu. so, apa yg saya nk bgtau ialah... tetiba teringat kat Prono
(Sheikh Saiful Irwan). ingat tak? mmbr kita, senior Investment, bilik SR
128 (kalu xsilap), wing 1B. bukan apa, dulu2 dia kata "ntah2 aku dah ada anak,
baru citer ni (Dragon Ball) habis.."
so... camana? adakah anda dah
kawin? kalau belum, masih ada sebulan! hahahaha.

tapi, itu sekiranya Dragon Ball tidak disambung kepada
Dragon Ball GT (Grand Tour). kalau RTM(atau
the penaja) masih nk teruskan, so, masih ada 63 episod. byk
lagi la masa anda mencari jodoh. hehehe. btw (by the way), lama xdengar cerita
Prono; yg bila masuk bilik An, mesti carik makanan. tp bila dtg,
mesti sepak An, pastu ckp "wei **bi !"  hahaha. mmg siut
budak Bahau nih. kater rumah somewhere kat stesen keteapi tu. mane satu
tah...          till then,
sincerely yours