06 August 2009


Assalaamualaikum and salam sejahtera.

Lately Pujaan been double busy with work especially when the nice boss suka2 gi Singapore for weeks. Then my department left just me to handle. Almost pengsan everyday balik lambat. Nasib baik lum kawen if not my baby will surely miss me a lot hehehe (day dream lah!)

This topic actually related to my frustration at office. Actually we have 2 helper to assist in the daily operation. However lately I feel like I'm working alone, kapish! These 2 helper actually older than me, got experience but talking bout maturity its like I'm 10 years older than they are.

Something that I nak share dgn U all ialah, whatever position or job that you are doing, do it right. If you need help dont hesitate to call for it. Hey kita ni bukannyer Superman yang boleh setel everything on our own. Second thing try first before says NO! Kalau semua masalah harap org lain tolong setel kan utk U means U are not needed there. Well skrg ni pun dlm proses nk terminate mereka2 ni coz of less use and productivity. "Kita ambik U sbb nak selesai masalah, bukannye tambah masalah". Haha see lah how.

Kalau pompuan lak maturity diorg ni paling mature dlm bab hubungan. Tak payah ajar, semua dari A sampai Z they know how to handle guys. Guys lak kalau idak pompuan yang mature mmg pupus manusia dari muka bumi niih. Hahaha statement best.
Kalao tak caya tanya laa pakar cinta si Raksasa yang selalu share cerita sedih tu.

Orait 4 minutes to 12am. Paneh lak malam ni, basah dah segalanyer.
Bagi pantun sikit:

Ceplos berkawan dengan si antu Bajang,
Gi ngurat antu Kum Kum,
Bulan Puasa sudah hampir menjelang,
Hutang puasa dah setel ke belum?


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