17 April 2008

Pujaan menjadi Pujaan?

Assalaamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Harap semua pembaca dalam keadaan yang sihat dan gembira selalu. Kalau anak nangis tu jangan laaa susah hati. Kasi jer susu ibu nanti diam laaa dia, sama gak kalao bapaknye pun asyik merengek jer ekekekekekeke.

Kali ni Pujaan nak cerita tentang pengalaman menarik yang berlaku pada 15 April yg lepas. Begini kisahnya :

Bermula pada 2 minggu lepas, Corporate Communication a.k.a entertainment world department tgh cari orang utk berlakon dlm sketsa utk Power Breakfast function yg diadakan pada 15 April tuh.
Datang laaa amoi kat department Pujaan ni ngn sukahatinya masukkan nama Pujaan dan kawan Jerman tu dgn tanpa izin tuan punya badan. Pastu dah dapat invitation lalu emel maka terpaksa laa kami menurut perintah... Huhuhuhu

Pujaan dan kawan-kawan dari Building Technologies Division

Pendekkan citer rehearsal 2-3 kali kira dapat laa feel caner nak wat sketsa nih. Watak Pujaan ialah Department Person yg dtg lmbt ke meeting. Masa ni director ngn producer sketsa ni kemain risau lagi ngn ‘kekayuan’ lakonan Pujaan.. diorg nak bagi latihan intensif lagi tapi gua laaarriiiii hehehehe

Haaaa ni skrip dia ^_^

Mr Kaltof and Mr Zink waiting impatiently while looking at the watch and the audience.

Goes back to the board (The giant projector screen)

Mr Zink: Zo, what are ve vaiting for Kaltof?

Mr Kaltof: Ze ppl of course. Maybe you can show me the financial figoors again while we wait?

Mr Zink: Mhmm. Ok. (Mimick exactly how Mr link did his financial presentation for a while)

A dpt person comes in: Sorry im late. You know the amount of emails I get. It’s crazy! Half of it is on compliance!

A Sales person come in: Whoo, sorry la. Got meeting. Waaah...big accident on the way! Had to stop by the Toto Shop. Anyway I’m ready if you are. Let’s start. How is it going with that thing with the thing and those things?

Dpt: Cannot! Cannot, cannot, cannot. Immmpossible.

Mr Zink: Mhmm ok…

Mr Kaltof: What seems to be the problem?

Dpt: definitely cannot

Mr Zink: Why?

Dpt: Because nexus is down. You know la the nexus centre in Mumbai, very slow.

Mr Kaltof: By the way, even the project manager is also not here yet. Does he/she live in another time zone?

Dpt: I’m not sure but is Port Dickson in another time zone? Cos (insert name) said he/she is still suffering from the jetlag to Port Dickson where we had our team building. (Looks at watch) Haiyoh! This is melebih-lebih! I have a meeting in 5 minutes at the Brickfields office.

Sales: What? We got office in Brickfields? Anyway, I have 5 meetings in 5 minutes! Tere or not me!

Mr Kaltof: Me too. Looks like we have to reschedule to next week for this discussion.

Everyone pack and go

2 ppl coming up the stage. 1 in a rush.

2: Eh why lah u rushing? Which bus you want to catch now?
1: We are late for the meeting! I tell you ah, my jetlag from Port Dickson is killing me!
2: Eh, u think u’ll get more bonus if you come early is it. For all you know, everybody’s late.

Up on stage
2: See I told u already, no none is here yet. I bet my kucci rat salary they are having teh tarik at San Francisco Coffee. Let’s go join them la..you know right there is a 10 per cent discount now for Siemens staff?
1: Bro, I think they have left. See the slides are all still here.
2: Oh ya la. There is my presentation.
1: Ok lah let’s go. Looks like we’ll do it next week. (while walking off) What time is the next meeting, you think can postpone…..jetlag jetlag…

Teruskan cerita, pada jam 11.28 am 15 April tu bermula lah pementasan kitorang. Nervous jgn citer laa tapi wat telan je laaa masuk perut. Ada laaa satu part tu Pujaan terpotong line orang lain. Nasib baik leh cover balik ngn selamba tambah lagi satu line tambahan ekekekeke.

The line of actors

Tapi pengabisnya ramai laaa org puji. Hehehehehe
Org duk panggil “Superstar” jer ekekekekekekeke. Bakat terpendamlah, lakonan memberansangkan lah... ekekekekekekeke. Bos Jerman Pujaan pun kata “Your acting is quite good actually” ekekekekekeke. Kembang kuncup gua ekekekekeke

Petang tu plak dapat emel dari HoD corporate comm tu puji lakonan and kata nak bagi token lagi ekekekekekeke...emel tu lak cc kat HoD division laen lak tu ekekekekekeke.

Well I’m enjoying the moment until today. Seronoknya jadi Pujaan nih ekekekekekeke. So jangan pendamkan bakat anda. Serlahkan sementara ada peluang walaupun telah di “paksarela” ekekekekekekekeke. Mat Jerman tu lak hangin satu badan sbb xde org puji dia ekekekekeke.

Orait sampai di sini saja. Sehingga ada cerita menarik laen. Tata and don’t drink and drive.



Anonymous said...

So, which part is yours?

haaaa, ni bakat terserlah sejak berlakon kat UUM dulu la kot. wahahaha.

skang aku agak aktif gak dgn muzik.

Pujangga said...

aku ialah Dept person

Hoho terkenang gak pada masa dulu..tapi itu sbg direktor heheehhe

HR manager pun duk perli aku jer huhu... "bakat terpendam"