27 May 2007

Cuti Sekolah Horeeyyy!

Bermula pada 26th May maka bebaslah para penghuni asrama, sekolah dan para- para yg dipanggil 'terkurung' di alam sekolah ke alam manusia. Duduk dirumah selama 2 minggu hanya semata2 utk berlonggok di depan tv dan meningkatkan bil elektrik dan tekanan darah para ibu bapa hehehe.

Teringat dulu masa sekolah rendah, asal cuti jer means Pujangga will explore every parit exist around the village. Masa tu nak kata duk umah mmg takde laa nmpk muka. Nak cari Pujangga cari laa kt tepi parit mesti jumpa.
Ikan keli, seluang, betuk tu semua jadi permainan jer. Mana reti main game komputer, PS mahu pun Icebox zaman dulu tuh.

Masa kat sekolah menengah lak masa dibazirkan dgn gi lepak kt bandar, duk melepek kt umah dan naik basikal merayau2. Maklumlaa duk asrama jauh. Bila dah balik umah mmg la tak reti nak kuar rumah lama2 nih. Melepek je laa kejernyer.

Skrg ni zaman kejer, cuti sekolah ke x cuti langsung x beza. Tiap ari bangun kul 6am, gi kejer and balik kejer. Hahahha.. then i had this emel yg mmg lah tangkap sentap di jiwa..
citernyer bertajuk:

The Woodcutter,
Once upon a time there was a woodcutter.. mintak kejer kt kompeni lodging balak nih. Gaji is fine and the boss was good. So the boss suruh dia tebang 10 batang pokok utk minggu pertama..
Then the woodcutter bring down 15 pokoks and the boss very happy. "Keep up the good work man".. Kena motivate camtu maka penebang pokok pon bersemangat utk tebang 30 seminggu.

But what happen is, utk minggu seterusnya dia hanya tebang 10 pokok. Pastu 8 pokok.. The total is reducing each week.
"Aku ni dah tua agaknyer" he thinks.

But then the boss asked.. "Bila masa last time ko tajamkan kapak ko tuh?"
he replied "Asah kapak? Aku sibuk menebang pokok mana ada masa nak tajamkan kapak?"

So the morale that I see is, the kapak is actually our rohani, our mind... working hard everyday without stops and relax makes you stupid.
In the real world org suka pekerja yg terlalu rajin, every day OT 4 jam like the Chinese culture lah but you know what.. golongan ni kualiti kerja is very low compare to org yg ada jadual utk gi bercuti, spend time with family..

Yes my friend, ada cuti tahun tu jgnlah takut utk gunakan. Kompeni wont muflis because of you go holiday for a few days.

In my past experience working in that culture, it effects my judgement, my soul and my mind. At that time, i dont mind working at any shift.. kejer 2 minggu straight pon takper, everyday work more than 8 hours because masa tu I think it is right to do it. utk membalas jasa kompeni yg sudi ambik aku kejer nih..
But the effect was I became furious, asyik gaduh, keep complaining and even in the blog I expressed my dissatisfaction. Badan sentiasa rasa letih even during my weekoff I spend the whole day just for sleeping. Mcm Grizzly bear during winter lak..

Now working in industry I realize that it was a stupid working environment. Kejer 8 hours is enough and that's all required in the working contract. To hell what is called as requirement by the house rule. We are human and human needs rest. Not robotic auto packing machines yg leh operating 24hours, 6 days a week.

Because of the Hijrah in my working time, I also Hijrah myself to not only working, but also trying to do some planting, have regular sport activities and planning to set up a business with my friends. As add on I take part time class with OUM and baru jer pas peksa 2nd module. Last module I score A tau hehehe.

Tengok kawan2 dah berumahtangga pon watkan Pujangga rasa cam nak kawen gak. But until I finished my Exec Diploma and change to higher paid salary job rasanyer mmg lmbt lg lah. My girls also dont mind to wait so there's no hurry. Bak kata org biau lambt asalkan selamat ^_^

Oh yg few friends also booked me to be their bestman tapi tu lah..kalau kena masa Pujangga exam said to say i cannot fulfill your request ya! :P
This is to you Bunge hehehe

Oklah enuff berborak... akan di update lagi di lain hari. So keep waiting, keep smiling and keep reading because Pujangga is watching over you... always.

Guten tag!

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