28 November 2005


its been a while, yowakun xmenulis. kalini nk menulis sbb... RIAK. mwahahaha. boley gitu?! hehehe

1st, cite pasal idup kami, bebudak "harap2 clear la", so boley grad on time.bukan ape, subjek finance tu agak membunuh. aku lebih TERbaeek, sbb xsihat masa tu.2 3 ari b4 exam tu mmg xsihat.tp mlm tu kompiden dah boleh g exam dgn jayanya.tiba2... kul 2 pg terbangun, lepas 2 jam aku tdo.. muntah aku.ngandung ker? hehehe. tula... smpai pagi pon, susah aku nk tdo. badan dah lemah2.

pagi kul 7, aku kol lect best kitorang-cAzmi.tny procedure nk drop paper.dia bg galakan moral skit...soh aku kol kos tutor lak-cHalil.tp...aku lupa save #tepon beliau.hahahaha.
xlama pastu cHalil sniri kol aku,dia dgr cite cAzmi la tu.dia bg cadangan best. situasi aku camni: kalau aku amik MC=drop paper, terpaksa la aku extend,rugik yuran rm300 lebih je kan,tp credit hour save la kan.2nd option...aku datang UNTUK GAGAL! so,boleh la aku amik supplementary exam (1 paper last ntk final student,failed sahaja.klu drop xleh!).tp paling terer pon,2nd time boley dpt C je.
so, baik aku pilih DATANG UNTUK GAGAL je.ala, klu aku apply keje,mst b4 result kuar kan. so, i'd use my latest result lar, yg before praktikal tu...yg dpt DL tu. hhahaha. (ops.ter riak lak).
aku dh pk, betapa hebat dan ganaz aku kat dewan nnt, masuk kul 9, tulis nama, conteng2 skit, kul 930 blah.hehehe. Koku (Roinizam) mampu ke uat mcm nih?! hehehe

tp, even better.pagi tu aku g MEDEC (penawar).fuh, kt sini lagi bagus dr UiTM Segamat rasanya.Dr cek2,pastu ofer amik exam kt situ je.xde r aku beku kena ekon.aku ok je.dia bg ubat, mkn, lepak.aku sorg je amik exam situ,hari tu.selesa gak r.siap aku mintak gula2 kat pengawas exam tu.dapat 10 bijik.slambe je aku.siap henset n-gage QD aku pon sempat bebunyi,bgtau ada mesej.slambeh! tp...deep down inside my heart, masih ada niat DATANG UNTUK GAGAL, walaupon aku jawab sampai abis,tp sambil lewa.ajaib gak,aku siap kuar awal...1110 kot. pengalaman.

2nd story...pasal memanah.so... nmpknye dah ade geng memanah nih...An,Ayang... jom r...buat club. hehehe.
1st time aku pegang busur (bow) panah tu, yg tinggi lebih kurang aku je, ms program motivasi kt kampus nih.mmg menarik la.lect best aku (cAzmi) tu penah join SUKMA dlm memanah.dah hobi, dia bawak la segala alat2 dia tu. rajin gak aku g bilik belik.mcm2 ada! gitar, panah, figure2 mcm kapal terbang, kete kebal, jet, sib xde Gundam.hahaha.
okeh.dlm program tu, ada acara memanah,jarak 8 meter je.mula target kosong je.biase, sume pon hampas. up 1 level, kalini target buah limau.hasilnya, lebih ramai budak2 panah, near kat limau tu, even xkena. (maknanya,kalau kita ada matlamat,kita semakin menuju kearahnya.betul gak ek).and, yg terhebat... hehehehe hahahaha, kebetulan je kot. dalam 12 attempt, 4 arrow aku kena kat limau tu.hahaha.so, aku dianugerahkan Lord of Archer. nk tgk sijil? heheeh. tp lepas abis program tu,aku dah xpegang panah dah...sbb moral down rasanya.next level, 2 orang terbest dipilih ntk berentap.aku n sorg lagi...King of Archer (Nik).jarak makin kurang, tapi target ialah epal. 6 attemp kot, sume tak kena aku uat. yg mamat tu...tak kena pon,mantap gile dia buat.sampai abis arrow tu masuk kat target board tue!kuat seh. yg aku, ada slh skil kot.sakit tangan kiri aku, kena tali panah tu. masa target limau, xkena pon.heran gak.
tp...aku rasa ada bakat.amacam An? jom berentap! carik/beli fullset r... busur,arrow,fingger tab, target board,arm guard...

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ni bukti gambar.ni ler team aku, grup ICHIGO (strawberi), kenal tak ppuan tudung biru tu?dia Erma...dulu dip Segamat ler.budak batch Fazee,Bai,Hanifa...

27 November 2005

Enjoying Life ...

I've been too busy lately because my general manager start asking too many things from me. Not even to enjoy sport in the evening. But for me it's okay because this is the path that i choose and I do believe I will success like everyone does one day.

Pujangga has received the Kad Jemputan from Fahreen Niqmah..nice and if you want to do like this just emel it to our staffs.

Last Saturday nite I played futsal with my friends including Bunger. Man, after years of hibernation I feel like an old man. Couldnt breathe after the first 10 minutes.. semputt baik tak jalan terus. After the game, we noticed there was an Archery club near the futsal court (at Jalan Sultanah Batu Pahat).
RM 5 for 12 pieces of arrows.. apalagi try ler (Berangan nak jadi Robin Hood jawa ^_^). Not bad kalau nak memburu time gawat nanti leh ler memburu Lembu ker, Kebau ker (tangan pengkau, takleh nak kena target kalau nak buru arnab)
Found a new interest I guess this going to be my next hobby.

Last Friday a Laboratory exorcised with Pontianak harum sundal siang malam... I take part of holding her during the ritual menghalau tapi degil... Last we have a chat... But her words very painful kalau iman tak kuat dah kena tumbuk dah muka akak tu.
Then the day after she complained to me... she said "Geram aku ingatkan kau pegang aku semalam" eh ingat pulakk?

Well enough saying. Will be continued after.... not knowing when. Before that this is a video of an amazing BMW... ^_^

20 November 2005

It's Kenduri season... *_*

Assalamualaikum and how r u all my dear friends. Sorry I forgotten my promise to update this blog weekly. Sibuk sangat kejar duit sampai tak cukup masa lah. (alasannnnn)

Well here we go- Bermulalah Pujangga!

Today 20 November our friend Herna Khalid held her Wedding ceremony. PujaAn promised her to rewang but at the last minute his boss freeze his off day and had to report for duty. Kalau tak mesti dah bersilat dah mamat tu kat majlis tu. Dengar kata dia ada belajar jurus "Adunan biskut tak naik peringkat ke 8"?!??!
Above all congratulation to Herna and Khairul for your wedding. May Allah bless the two of you.

Then the next will be hmmmmm Iem Fahreen a.k.a Ain... bulan 12 ni tapi Pujangga did not received her wedding invitation card. So please Ain! Send Pujangga an A4 size wedding card... or else! *_*
Herna memang anta kad saiz A4 tapi dilipat dua! Pandai tul dia....

And the last in Q is Noradilla Borhan (is it or not?I forgotten her full name) dated 11 December 2005 at Felda Tenang, Segar-Mart.
Yang ni lagi tak patut...jemput guna SMS jer huuu hu hu T_T... sedihnyer. Tapi takper.. nanti kat majlis Pujangga akan abiskan sumer lauk yang ada muahahahaha

Well guys if u have plan to fulfill their invitation please inform it here on Pujangga so that we can go by group. This could be unplanned reunion but I think it would be nice to meet all of you.

Until the next post... Sayonara, adios mmmmuuuuahhhhh

*a gentlement never let a lady cry,unless she's a girl* - Pujangga

04 November 2005

Pics Update November 4th

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Selamat Hari Raya Eid AlFitri 2005

Assalamualaikum to all readers. How are you and your family? I Hope everyone especially in Malaysia are happy and cheerfull during this Festive season.

Alast! my project on redesigning pujangga have accomplished. The name also had been changed to Teratak Pujangga as i think this name is much better than the old one. But who cares?

Few of my adjustment made is on the section names font and colors.. the i also added few new links which i'd think can add the interest of audience to visit pujangga more often. But dont misunderstand me as pervert because its only an option that u can revoke if u are not interested in what am i trying to show.

Also during this beautiful Syawal month i want to apologize for all crazy things that i've made especially to my pals raksasaC and yowa, you have been such nice friends and i love u very strong. Galfrens... Bolly, Fazee, AhAh and others that i did not mention here please forgive me cause not proposing all of u earlier ^_^

To frens whom are going to marry.. Iem, Ain, and Herna happy wedding. I'm very looking forward to join the party. Saywak and Suraya this is the first Syawal for both of you becoming husband and wife so dont argue too much on where to celebrate the first raya okay.

For all... i will try harder to entertain you with friends updates and planning new activities. So Tungguuuuuuuuu

Last words... Thank you ^_^