23 October 2004

A Season of Speed Traps and Road Blocks !!

Assalamualaikum guys, and happy Berpuasa..
Yesterday when I was on my way back to Melaka (I used the highway route) I met with a road block. Then I was pulled over and then I started to "mencarut" 'shit, there goes my RM 300 today' because it was clearly a speed trap road block.

Then the officer asked me my IC, license and another license and the road tax. Luckily I'm a skemathic rider had passed all. The officer then only told me that it was a routine checkup. Glad to here it but I noticed that the officer whom choosed vehicles to be pulled over had a list of vehicles.

So guys please be extra careful when riding during this festive season. On that day I was lucky because there was a Treler kindly given signal that road block ahead (but I still running 120 km/h duh).

My father also informed me that police also had kept their eyes on route between Muar and BP through Jln Abd Rahman. So Bunger jangan ko main sembarang jer nak merempit... dah ler takder lesen lagi, moto sebu cam org kena asma... pepandai ko lah(^_^)

Okay lah, enough mengarut during puasa... wish all frens Happy puasa and Happy Hari Raya.. jgn ponteng puasa.. tak baik tau...


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