16 September 2004

Updating Template

assalmualaikum.just template updated... again. this version 3.22; changes are:
-links to download manga (comics) Death Note, dh tukar. any-otaku xleh pakai. abis bandwidth katenyer.
-plus Midori no Hibi (baru lg terpengaruh! hehehe). sweet citer nih. pasal .... tapi kena agak dewasa lar. bocah cilik (budak kecik) xseswai.
-remove midi (lagu) The Reason-Hoobastank. sbenanye aku xde save template tu. tupasal xleh retain, bila aku update.xingat ler html dia. [korg xpaham kot...]
-dh masukkan e-mail YM (Yahoo Messenger) Herna. sori... lama dh, tp luper. take note, yg highlighted tu ialah YM. kalu korg ada YM... tau ler.

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