11 August 2004

looking naive (nice?)

Assalamualaikum. Assignment CRG520 (Ethics) aku dah siap, dpt la aku luang masa taip mende nih. Nih aku nk story skit pasal aku carik pot praktikal katJB. orang kata aku ni clever. I keep on denying while I'm also proud. hahaha. On that monday, I've contact the company (audit firm) earlier (talking in Malay of course, he triggered me!). And he told me to show the cover letter for the practical. So I come to the firm. He look nice... but what can I say, just "They make me look so naive and stupid!" Now, do you believe that I'm not as clever as you thought?! The story.... he asked me 3 questions; first my answer incomplete, second "I don't know/ not sure", and third I/m totally wrong! huh, I hate when people ask "are you sure?" when he know I'm wrong. Make me look naive!

Kalau Reza dpt jwb soklan2 ni, betul sume, aku bagi dia Weather Storm so if somebody teasing you, there will be 'lightning strike' cover you! great huh? (luckily I don't have that stuff). First... "what is the journal entries for buying an asset?" aku jwb la "Debit Aset, kedit bank". betul apa! pastu dia kata, "kt kedit tu leh ada 3 item. aku dpt lg 1 (i.e. cash), but kantoi la yg last tu. (sape tau... angkat tangan!). 2nd ... "What is the depreciation rate for building?" aku jwb brape tah. Dia ckp "sure?" xtau la. Pastu aku buat muka putus asa kot, then dia ckp "Tak tau takper...". Ntah camane bley aku defensive ngan menjawab "biase rate depreciation dh bg dlm soklan..." cis, bodoh tindakan tersebut! 3rd... "bape tax rate ntk kompeni bg tahun 2004?" kompiden aku jwb "28 persen!". cambiase la dia ckp "pasti?" Halamak.... salah la pulak. Katanya 2003 & 2004 special, 20% jer. Siap dia tlg cover aku, ckp kat partner dia (pompwan), "takpe, dia tak cover lagi..". Apa aku nk kata, last sem pon ada amik paper tax. xperasan lak rate 20%. Ade ker? In the end... caner? dpt practicle situ tak? Depend... dia (mrk) buat syarat nk dari Disember smpi Jun. aku ok jer... cuma takut ... tgk la, bincang ngan lect. Off we go! balik umah. Tuesday, aku kontek lecturer, katanya "Disember- Mei" wa~~ mane lg aku nk carik pot lain!? KL ader? preference aku, tempat tinggal. Kalau tak, mmg dah ada kosong kat Terengganu nun.

Conclusion, to all ... maybe you should refresh your knowledge, biasanya diorg tanya yg simple2 jer. Aku harap dia tanya la mende2 advance, bankruptcy ker, dissolution ke, buleh aku melawan. hm... Pastu, walaupon seems simply just discussion to them, still you have prepare your resume (luckily aku ada bwk resume 4pages aku. hahaha).

More over, on the way back from JB, I've sent some sms saying just simple "submit your current progress" to some (many) of our friends. Actually the message for two of my group assignment members, for AIS project. luckily others friend also reply it. Ansms aku, dia skang ni kat Port Dickson, dah baik skit, lepak pantai sensorang jer. Boja lak tepon aku. kata dah keje, accounting trainee kalau tak silap. pastu dia siap ajak aku dtg KL, nk lawan Guilty Gear ngan aku! mentang2 ada PS2. Brani tul dia cabar aku yg 'tak terkalah' nie! pastu BI sms gak. Dia dh taknak resume sbb dah keje. Katenyer keje cuci badan kapal terbang kat Bangunan Sarawak. aku percaya jer. hahaha. camtulah kisah kawan2 kiter. Anda.... bagaimana?

p/s: aku rasa aku bercita-cita nk jadi Anbu ler.... (Anbu: pasukan khas shinobi/ ninja)



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