10 February 2017

2017 first posting

Salam & good day, L said.

semakin lama, makin blog ini menuju akhir hayatnya. kerana apa?
Ada 3 orang penulis tetap, yours truly, ResaksaC, dan An. I'm here, sometimes busy, sometimes not, and those times filled with other thing like hobbies (RPi3, mobile games, Kodi shows). ResaksaC... i don't really know why. And An quite clear, more commitment allocated to his new job which requires about 16 working hours daily, i guess. His facebook page, personal blogs, are priority. not this one which meant for ...i also not sure by now.

Anyway, lets talk about me. My current active mobile game is, feiji, wefly a chinese jet game. Originally i played a game called "Thunder Raid", a global, english version of the same game which end up dead (todate they still maintain the server) with no new updates.

Old image of the earlier jet- Siegfried. But will be beast when Hyper Siegfried launched, i guess.
Raspberry Pi 3, my new hobby. I can say its very similar to lego for kids, RPi is "lego" for some adults. But i'm noob (newbie). So far this small computer, i mainly use it as a media device for my TV, installed with LibreElec which run the Kodi; linked with wifi to display HD movies and show. just connect it with power, HDMI, and mouse. I've tried 3 inch touch screen LCD display; but its lack for dual display, i don't like it. (who want it, i can sell it. cheap...lai lai...)

This hobby exposed me to this shopping apps, AliExpress. Its... China online market. Unlike the brother "AliBaba" which cater bulk purchases, Aliexpress allow purchase of minimal unit, even 1 unit. Items very cheap; but u need assurance the item really what u want. I purchased my Chuwi Hi10 Pro, keyboards, RPi3, casing. I'm happy generally but 1, the delivery times took at least 3 weeks. And if anything, u want to return the product, consider the transport cost and timing.

What else?
anyway, contact me if anything; yowa82