29 June 2015

Malware and Virus for Computer

Salam & good day, L said.

No...i'm not offering malware and viruses for your computer. Computer, unlike human, can take vaccine by using lower level (or dead/corpse) of known viruses to trigger bodily anti-virus. we have to use specific anti- virus (AV); for computers.

Being owner of a legal Windows 7 copy, I use MSE (Microsoft Security Essential) as the main anti-virus software. until recently, i was annoyed with pop up ads (advertisements) in my default browser, Google Chrome. But to my surprise, my Mozilla Firefox also infected. Well....who and how the culprit can do this?

As usual, what we normally do when this happened. FULL SCAN the computer. there...detected something, clean, restart. aaaaaaaaand.... happen again. Scan, detect, clean, and again. Wow...this one die-hard malware.

I remember, some AV cannot treat malware properly. especially my recent reading that reveals MSE among the worst AV. well, its free, cannot expect more. but, being a big, giant company, we can expect more actually.

[next try]
So, i downloaded the renowned Malwarebytes free trial, and scan my system. Again, detected. this time, about 13 PUP (potentially unwanted program) detected. removed.
But there's annoying slide pop up from this software,...always telling some IP number like invading my computer via TIXATI. well, its torrent client, of course people come to download when i'm seeding (being a good leecher and seeder). FYI, Tixati is my new torrent client, replacing uTorrent that by now filled with ads. Thanks to utorrent for all efforts todate downloading hundreds (actually a lot) of gigs for my entertainment.

And yet again, the ads still there. open Google Chrome, click the 3 horizontal line icon (under X close) to view more menu. Click More Tools, Extensions. THERE. unwanted extensions suddenly there without i ever allowing such unknown thing. (go, check yours). I clicked remove (thrash bin). but when i restart, it still there. sigh....

What was it that i did when i troubleshooting computers in the old days? COMBOFIX. yeah, for me, when you decided and the only option left is REFORMAT your OS (operating system), try this. use combofix. as the name suggest, it should fix many problems in your OS.

so, i revisit that website, bleeping computer, as i remember there they provide not just combofix, but other useful tools. Looking at the "Most Downloaded in Windows", the number 1 rank is ADWCLEANER with more than 333k download...last week only. big WOW! this is trusted software, and they are all free.

As the name suggest, this should function similar to Malwarebytes. but free. totally. So, install and run. immediately detect, and restart. Finally.... no more. based on the report given, i can see the adwcleaner deleted the folders, related files and register keys.

i've been using and trusting http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/windows/ until now. they provide free software and very useful. you can browse and try other application provided at your own risk.

So, remember guys. when in pinch, find solution in google. and lookup for bleepingcomputer.com. i am not stating that as to promote that website; but as a solution for your (my) problem. It's like i'm telling you the medicine for that illness can be found in a shop near the mountain at the... u know what i mean.

Anyway, enjoy your day. Ma'assalam.

{dari kubikel ku di plantation tower, menaip}

17 June 2015

memilih sunglasses a.k.a spek hitam

Salam & good day,

sekali lagi dengan penuh harapan, L menulis rencana bermanfaat untuk ramai.

Sudah seminggu, polarised spek itam ku rosak bahagian clipping hidung itu, akibah terdedah haba panas dalam kereta agaknya. tiada lagi keselesaan memakainya. terpaksalah driving dengan silau cerah cahaya gemilang ciptaan tuhan. ewah...

Biasanya, apabila memilih sunglasses, pasti! PASTI ramai antara kita memilih design dan fesyen sebagai kriteria utama; instead of for health (omputeh sket, perasan kokesen kah?!)

L, sesungguhnya tak faham pon matching bentuk wajah dengan frame sunglasses pon. lagipula, bila tengok jenis2 yg ada, kebanyakannye jenis "aviator" atau "police". L sesungguhnya lebih pada fungsi dan praktikal, fesyen nombor seterusnya. so, pilihan L ialah, tutup most of view, sampai tepi. itu je. tak banyak pulak sunglasses jenus tu. Yang ada, jenis sport; atau...orang panggil "spek welding" - sebab safe kot kalau buat kerja welding (citation needed from Encik An-safety guy). Kalau nak ikut sangat bentuk wajah, baca lah... http://malezones.com/artikel/tips-memilih-kacamata-hitam-sesuai-bentuk-wajah.html

Sambil usha2 sunglasses online, tengok la...baruk la terpikir...apekebendenye "polarised" itu? ringkasnya, cermin ber-polarise in menghapuskan bias cahaya (glare) yang menyilaukan pandangan. yang bagus dan acceptable ialah cahaya lurus dari hapadan. Owh... memang penting la tu.

Teruskan bacaan (kerja dah siap...idle jap), bacalah dari view perubatan di website ini: http://www.webmd.com/eye-health/features/how-to-pick-good-sunglasses

Ringkasnya, kanak2 patut diajar pakai sunglasses senantiasa untuk semua outdoor event. Kerna katanya, UV (ultra violet) punya damage adalah overtime...makin lama, makin lama, makin tak elok. #new.to.me. Okay, pendek kata, 2 kriteria penting memilih spek hitam (paragraf ke berapa ni, baru nk crita?!) ialah:

  1. perlindungan radiasi UV.
  2. polarised.
itulah dia. then barulah fesyen kot. Lain kali bila anda memilih, cuba dapatkan 2 kriteria ini, dan tambah dengan design/fesyen kehendak anda.

Salam romadhon esok. moga bermanfaat.

(yang ni cap RB Space; polarised dan UV400 katanya. harga RM129 [tp diskaun RM100. angkat laaaa])

15 June 2015


Salam & good day,

Teringat zaman dulu...pergi kedai komputer, belek2 cd games nak install dalam komputer. tentulah, pirated.
pernah usha "Metal Gear Solid" ...wow, banyak CD. paling biasa aku cari games genre strategy (e.g. Red Alert series [General, Ra2, Yuri's Revenge], Tiberium Wars). Fun (Worms armageddon, world party, 3D, mayhem...xmain). Fighting (Guilty Gear, XX Reload, King of Fighters). dah lama tak cari CD...

Bulan lepas agaknya, akhirnya aku mencebur diri ke dunia STEAM. http://store.steampowered.com/ apa bende ni sebenarnya? install bende tu...
aaaah, secara ringkas, ia bagai revolusi permainan komputer; platform pembelian games. pendek kata sama la mcm Google Playstore atau Apple Apps tu. yang ni untuk PC.

Rakan gamers online dok promote ajak main DOTA2. tengok kat STEAM, free to play. alright....download la, ...beberapa jam dengan Unifi (5mb).

Setelah selesai...cubalah main. DOTA2 ni genre MOBA iaitu Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. 5 vs 5. setiap player pilih hero, dan lawan musnahkan base musuh. para pemain dari seluruh dunia main dengan penuh emosi. haha...

DOTA2 memang agak famous, macam League of Legends juga (sama genre). tapi sebab dah famous dan main stream, pemain baru adalah noob (newbie); anda akan dibuli. perbuatan pembuli itulah dipanggil "toxicity". bersifat toksik.

Tapi memang, pada aku, DOTA2 rumit sangat. banyak kena belajar. instead, i browse another, and found... "STRIFE". yg masih melekat hingga kini. juga kategori MOBA, tapi jauh lebih mudah. tiada konsep "last hit kill" untuk dapat wang, tiada konsep carrier, ke apa ke (aku pon xpaham). tak perlu beli keldai delivery.

setelah beberapa minggu main....senang je...
- pilih je mana2 hero.
- beli item recommended
- kalau beli kasut, belajar lah aktivate (D). aku smpai la ni kena tgk keyboard dulu. tu malas beli kasut.
- 2-2-1 basic setup. 2 top, 2 middle, 1 bottom lane.
- xperlu kejar KILL sangat. memang bangga la. dan malu kalau xde kill/assist. tapi, musnah tower pon byk markah rasanya.
- bila dh level 10, mula lah join geng. defeat Cindara. dan yg 1 lg tu.
- aku cadangkan, try semua hero dulu, lawan bot.
- lawan bot ni, serupa main game xde internet dulu2 la...xde salahnya walau forever main gitu je. xde la kena kutuk noob.
- have fun. so far, yg lebih masalah bukanlah newbies tak pandai/terer main. sebaliknya LEAVER, yg mungkin ada masalah internet, saje leave, atau ada life. hehe.
- add me "yowa82" kat Wechat atau LINE. kita boleh pakat.

Yeah....STRIFE memang nampak macam terkubur sikit, xramai player malaysia rasanya. tapi apa ada hal. ada saja player, somewhere. vs bots pon ada team. main sorang2 ialah "Quick Play".

Kalau anda buka link http://store.steampowered.com/ kini, sedang berlaku jualan murah game2 PC melalui steam. harga seringgit lebih je....asal ada net agak laju....lg murah dari CD kot. tengok game title gak la....