28 May 2012

Karnival Sukan Zon Selatan BIMB


Entah ok ke tak aku patut update blog ni ngan citer ni. Hahaha.. What the hell?! Dari ia senyap saje, baik aku update.

Pada 26.5.2012 yang lepas, BIMB telah mengadakan Karnival Sukan Zon Selatan bertempat di KKTM Ledang. Macam2 sukan dipertandingkan; bola sepak, sepak takraw, bola jaring, badminton, ping pong dan sukan rakyat.

Aku macam biasalah join bola sepak. Dah tu je yang aku confident nak main. Game lain aku duk belajar2 je.

Game dimulakan pada pukul 9 pagi. Tapi perarakan bermula pada 7:30 pagi. So, aku bertolak dari rumah, pukul 6:30 kerana perjalanan mengambil masa dalam 30 minit.

So, aku pun bermain. Alhamdulillah, kaki aku yang injured berjaya pulih. Aku berjaya meyakinkan team yang aku lebih baik main goalkeeper. Well, cut it short. Team aku kalah penalty. Walaupun aku clean sheet dan berjaya save satu sepakan penalty, namun team aku tetap kalah sepakan penalty 2-1. Well, kalah tetap kalah. Aku terima pingat perak tu ngan bangga gak. At least aku masih terpilih untuk main ngan team Southern utk peringkat kebangsaan nanti. Cewah!! hehehe..

Well, kesempatan ni aku nak ucap terima kasih pada semua yang telah membantu aku dalam game ni, terutama pada family aku, isteriku, kawan2 dan captain aku yang memberi kepercayaan pada aku untuk game ini. I'm starting to believe again.

11 May 2012

Leaders are born, not made ...

In today's world of corporate America, many seem to share the belief that it is possible to send employees to a series of classes and make them a leader. Well, I am here today to alert everyone that 'Leaders are born, not made'! How often have you seen people promoted into a position of leadership, but they lack any of the qualities of a true leader? I am sure that this happens in other areas of life, but today, let's focus on corporate America and the IT industry. In today's industry, we have many managers and supervisors, but few of them are leaders. Managers and supervisors come a dime a dozen. Sure, not everyone will make a good manager, or supervisor, but everyone, by nature, is a manger, or supervisor. In addition, it is also true that not every leader is a good manager, or supervisor, but every leader can be taught to be a good one. I am sure that many of you think that I am way off base on this subject, but let's take a closer look at the three in this first of a small series of articles on leaders and leadership. What is a supervisor? By definition, a supervisor is 'a person who exercises major administrative functions over another employee, or employees. These functions are hiring, evaluating, assigning work, disciplining, and dismissing.' In most cases, one step below a manager, a supervisor is just that, a person who supervises. Creativity is welcomed, but in most cases, the direction is provided by the manager, and the immediate overseeing is done by the supervisor. Now, in no way, am I saying that supervisors are not creative, in most cases, they are. I am only saying that most of the direction is provided by the manager, with insight from the supervisor. Does this sound familiar? Of course it does. Anyone could be considered a supervisor, even you. If you have children, then do you not supervise them? Women, do you not supervise the men in your lives at times? Men, do you not do the same? We all have some supervising skills that apply to alternative areas of our lives, but this doesn't mean that we are all leaders. It doesn't take a leader to be able to evaluate someone's job, assign people work, or discipline someone. These are functional tasks. A person can be trained to reproduce these functions at a moment's notice. No, we may not all be good at it, but as with anything in life, not everyone is. What is a manager? By definition, a manager is 'an individual charged with the responsibility for overseeing resources and processes.' Managers are more creative than supervisors, in most instances, but they are also stewards of functional tasks. Their sole duty is to manage. Manage budgets, people, major tasks and projects, and time. All of which are functional tasks, tasks which we are all accustomed to performing in our personal lives on a daily basis. Surely, each of you reading this article has balanced a check book before? What about planning out your day, or planning trips? How about getting to work on time, or planning a dinner party with friends? These are all management tasks. Of course, we may not be great at them, and we could possibly use some training in key areas. Yet, these are all functional tasks that can be learned and reproduced by any of us. Have you seen any leaders yet? What is a leader? By definition, a leader is 'a person who rules or guides or inspires others.' A leader is someone others are willing to follow, almost without question. They may not always make the right decision, but they are confident in the decisions that they make. They are not afraid to admit when they are wrong, and they know when to change direction when an inappropriate choice has been made. For, even after a few mistakes, a true leader will not lose the confidence of his, or her, followers. People seek out leaders unconsciously, and leaders step to the forefront almost instinctively. Leaders are recognized, not chosen. In short, leaders have something within that the others just don't have. It is an intangible characteristic that can't be explained, but when you see it, you will recognize it.