22 May 2010

...to inspire at least 1 person

Salam and good day, L said.

Today I wondered, why actually, what the purpose of someone creating of a blog, telling people about themselves, their lives? And just now, I watched Ugly Betty (s4e11), when she created a blog tagged "To Inspire At least One Person". Yeah... I think most of blogger have that 1 similar intention in their heart.

So~, it's been a while for my posting. I did thought that, its okay for me to post, only when I have a thoughtful thought, other than when there's really something important for us. Hehehe.

By the way, how to inspire people? Your writing, your ideas, from what u do, from what u intend to do, ...or easier, from images. Tell me what u think. have a nice day people!

13 May 2010

Explosive and Shoot out

Some of you might aware of the catastrophic incident happening in Gulf of Mexico involving BP deep water oil rig that was on fire and today they are still struggling to contain the spills. As Pujaan read the news on Yahoo news tonight, many dolphins already dead and the CEO's of the involved company were dragged to give explanation to the House.

By chance, Pujaan got to know that my company's product is also involved in the incident. An equipment called BOP (Blow Out Preventer) that function as the controller of oil coming out from the oil well is being used for that rig. Until today they cannot verify what had went wrong due to the oil is still coming out (estimated up to 4million gallons). In the incident 11 persons were dead during the explosion. One reason why I'm not prefer to work on off shore platform. Its like cooking in a kitchen with the cooking gas leaking. Once ignited it became booom!

The recent accidental shooting of a teenager by police had caught my attention. Media and community seems to be blaming the police for doing inhuman acts, but I got different opinion. Not to insult any party, this is my own thought just for sharing and concern; if we were the police man at that time, won't us will do the same?

Its early morning and police is doing their duty patrolling the area. Then suddenly this car suspiciously speeding and stopped when the driver saw you. You give order to halt but the car continues to move in dangerous way. Worrying of your own safety and balancing it with your duty, what will you do?

I'm bearing my mind to remind myself that police are human just like me. They have family to take care of and at the same time they are doing the most dangerous job: fighting crime! Criminals are cruel and they will never hesitate to kill a police if they need to and that's a fact.
I'm worried if the case give a negative impact such as police will not be allowed to carry guns anymore or they are not allowed to shoot until they are sure. In such situation how are you going to be sure?

I have an uncle working as police man and he's a single dad. Raising 2 children by his own giving me a bit of thought whenever there are issues regarding the police.

From our side what we can do? Remember the baju sendat and seluar petak story: look back at our siblings and relatives, do they acting like troublemakers? If yes we need to advice them and look at this incident as a lesson.


12 May 2010

Roti Hangus

Roti Hangus

Mak selalu buatkan sarapan pagi dan makan malam setiap hari. Dan aku masih ingat satu malam mak telah buat makanan selepas penat seharian bekerja. Malam tu, mak letak sepinggan telur, sosej dan roti hangus di depan ayah. Aku hanya menunggu sahaja bila ada orang dapat tahu roti itu hangus.

Tapi apa ayang buat ialah mengambil roti tersebut dan senyum kepada ibu dan bertanya kepadaku bagaimana di sekolah. Aku tak ingat plak apa yang aku cakap kat ayah malam tu tapi aku masih ingat yang ayah menyapu mentega dan jelly di atas roti itu dan memakannya.

apabila aku bangun dari meja, aku masih ingat mak memohon maaf kepada ayah kerana roti hangus itu. Dan aku takkan lupa ayang berkata dengan mak, “Sayang, saya suka roti yang hangus tu.”

Malam tu masa aku nak masuk tidur, aku bertanya kepada ayah, adakah betul dia suka roti hangus itu. Ayah memeluk aku dan berkata,”Mak kamu penat bekerja sepanjang hari dan dia betul2 penat. Lagipun, roti yang hangus takkan mencederakan sesiapa pun..!”

Tahukah anda, kehidupan ini penuh dengan kekurang benda…dan kekurangan manusia. Aku bukan sesempurna mana, dan aku jga terlupa harijadi dan ulangtahunku seperti orang lain.

Apa yang aku pelajari selama ini ialah belajar untuk menerima kesalahan/kekurangan orang dan memilih untuk menerima perbezaan satu sama lain adalah satu kunci untuk membina satu hubungan yang sihat, membina dan bertahan.

Kerana akhirnya, kamulah tuan kepada diri kamu sendiri, kamu lah yang menentukan diri kamu, untuk gembira atau sedih, untuk menjadi positif atau negatif.

Kita boleh kaitkan ini semua dalam sesuatu perhubungan. Malah, memahami adalah dasar kepada perhubungan, sama ada hubungan suami-isteri, ibubapa-anak dan persahabatan.

Jangan letakkan kunci kepada kebahagiaan anda di atas tangan orang lain, kamulah yang menentukan.

Jadi, berikan saya roti itu, ya, roti hangus tu pun OK gak. :)

08 May 2010

Checklist ujung minggu

1. Cuci kereta- asal petang je ujan... objektif bersepai
2. Cuci umah- objektif tercapai
3. Cuci baju stok 3 ari- objektif tercapai
4. Cari railing langsir- on hold
5. Lunch di kfc/ pizza?- masak sendiri kat umah... objektif bersepai
6. Registerkan kontraktor- objektif tercapai
7. Wish hepi mother's day- on hold... lupa
8. Pindah barang ke umah baru- in progress
9. Bayar duit sewa umah- in progress
10. Gi shopping baju selai- takde offer.. objektif bersepai
11. Tengok wayang kalau smpt- x sanggup beratur beli tiket- objektif bersepai
12. Cuci peti ais- objektif tercapai
13. Lap baju kalis api- objektif tercapai
12. Bwk kucing gi exercise- kucing lari gi umah tuan lain- objektif bersepai