24 July 2004


Assalamualaikum...  another wonderful day... really? huh. One day, G-Tez (B.Mark, UiTM Segamat) told me about his life seems very tricky with: of 8 subjects, he have to drop 3 of it because the table clash each other. (what tha... baru 1st sem tu! confirm extend. hahahaha.); and as Non-Resident (NR) student, it is difficult (avoid using the word 'hard'), especially without some friend helping from the inside. I told him to have a 'secretary' (kalau boley girl. hehe). He said, "xde lagi. diploma nyer ade lar!". well, now I want to say... even if you had one, you steel have to rely on yourself. It happened to me (just now... and dulu2...).

I do have one so called 'secretary' cum Assistant Class Rep (representative) very nice girl. I, as a class rep. obviously suppose to know many thing related to lecturers, classes, OHP (overhead projector...huh), test and exam. But as NR, I need help. She (the secretary) helped me many times about it. Become a class rep giving me opportunity to closer to lecturers, classmates, more responsible. But... until now I guess I've came to class, that actually no class, more than five times already. Am I stupid? quite some times because I forgot, the lecturer do told about it (after a week, mane ingat!). But I hope some people remind me about it. Just now my credit (handset) expired. Yesterday I've got voice message telling 'no class'. but I cannot open it. How should I know! And today I'm waiting at the lab.... then they (the other class) told me "no class, he (lecturer) told us, right?". aiya, suppose somebody remind me. Pagi tadi dh la class cancelled, belum 8.30 aku dah bley balik umah. instead, aku lepak bilik member kat kolej. lepas 9.30pg aku tunggu la kat lab tu. huh. mmg la aku sorg je lelaki kat klas aku, tp xleh ke just remind me. this not the first time...

heh, actually aku salahkan diri sendri. Selasa aritu, about 1.50ptg aku dah g klas. dah pasang lampu, on air-cond. tengok henset, ade 3 missed call dr 'secretary'. ada gak msg pukul 1.53 (aku on the way) bgtau 'xde klas'. huh. amik beg, off air-cond, tutup lampu. kuar je kat pitu klas, the 'secretary' called. "sori yer lambat inform. aku tepon ko xdpt. smpi tepon umah ko! sory yer...". aku xmarah. salah sendiri. moral: jadilah class rep yg "self-satisfied". kalau bley jadik mcmUchiha Sasuke atau Gaara The Desert (manga-Naruto). gannazzz! hahaha.

Lan... dah dpt tajuk ntk public speaking? aku ingat nak buat pasal "Greeting to non-muslim". aku memang ada point2 yg terbaik, penuh makna, berfaedah, no offence. tapi.... sebab ada sorang budak pompwan non-muslim dlm klas aku... sedikit sebanyak aku takut gak dia 'terasa'. walaupon kalau dia kata "aku ok jer", still nnt ade "mata-mata" yg usha dia. musti dia rasa xsenang. so, I guess I'll bury the idea. kalu ko nk, pakai le idea tu! so, I guess I will come out with title "Music in our life". hahaha. korang ada rasa aku tak layak ckp pasal tu ker? hehehe.   sincerely yours abdullatif

21 July 2004


Assalamualaikum. we~ll. u want post, here i give u! but sorry, it just merely a post. hehehe.

Reza kata dia tgh buat CAT. i wonder "what the tu~t is that? mcm Topah ker? bukan TopahCIT (Certified sumting Transport) ker?" but today, i know (LAMBAT!!!). ptg tadi ada ceramah profesional... ala yg biase2 buat, slalu xdpt sambutan. the only benefit we got are either pen (defect!), pemadam (nice), file, pamphlet (ni tak nak!). today... maybe diorg dah pikir baik2. CiMA bg pen (nice design n working!), ACCA bg notepad (cayalah!). xde la plak Maicsa (sumting Secretary) & MICPA harini. huh. ceramah biase2. aku ade gak niat nk berseloroh, tanya soklan2 'jahat', tp... ntah ler, mcm kurang tali perut (guts) la plak. hahaha.

but the point is... when ada la wakil UiTM proffessional course ni bg ceramah, kat slide dia tu,... jeng jeng jeng! ada satu (1) nama yg aku kenal. rasanya dia pon kenal aku lagi. tp aku xrasa korang kenal dia. Budin... mesti kenal! Budak tu Khairul Anuar Sambak. aku tau nick dia Acrow. masa kita pt1 diploma, dia pt6. batch Sajis, CD, Buki, Bubun, Buragas, Karon, Kabi, Buak, etc. Acrow ni baik orgnyer, dulu2 aku ingat dia xle se senior mane. baik semacam je. smpi skang xpulangkan cd aku lg! ops, kat slide tu tunjuk dia tersenarai sbg org2 yg gradACCA 1and half to 2 yrs.kira power la tu kot. result DIA dia dulu cuma dpt ANC je (cuma!?). asa jumpa time dia clearance dia kata furtherOxford. penipu betul lar. huh. btw... kira bangga gak la aku. wingmate tu! Reza... can u do it? hahaha. i know, CAT stand for Certified Accounting Technician. nama mcm pro sangat. technician konon! sory r aku kantoikan ko,CAT rasenye adalah 1st part ofACCA (total 3 part), which consist of 3 subject ie ""Preparing Fin Stmt", "Fin. Info For Mgt" and "Managing People". bukan nk under estimate (this for real! FOR REAL U KNOW! not underestimate!).... kalau lepasan B.Acc kalu xsilap dpt semua paper tu exempted. ye tak? from B.Acc left 6 papers. btw... sape nak?! hahaha.

p/s: merely posting.....   by yowa. wei, best r Naruto!!

10 July 2004

gambar lama

ni 2 keping gambar masa pt 1 dulu2. t'jumpa la plak. scanned lak tu. xsume yg aku kenal dlm ramai2 tu....